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Chairs of Historical Security Council

Distinguished Delegates,

It is our utmost pleasure to welcome You to this year’s StetiMUN conference in the Historical Security Council. Historical Security Council will tackle the subject of the Croatian War of Independence (1991-1995) after the Vukovar Massacre. The event took place in November 1991, and the mass grave of the victims was officially discovered and examined by UN officials in December 1992. This, therefore, will be the date our committee session will begin with. The date is also significant for other reasons – firstly, it takes place a few months after the breakup of Yugoslavia, which was the geographical site for the events; secondly, it is after most of the former Yugoslavian countries (specifically Croatia) were admitted to the United Nations. We have decided upon this topic as the events it tackles were very significant events to the history of Europe. It is also set in a politically intense period, with the breakup of the USSR and German reunification in Europe alone. Since it’s set in the 90s, there shouldn’t be any difficulty in accessing documents and sources for the delegates. We believe, that this committee will present a great opportunity for the delegates to discuss this dramatic matter from various perspectives – the issue of war crimes, human rights and foreign intervention.

1. Croatian War of Independence after the Vukovar massacre (1991)

Due to the fact that our debates will be focused on aforementioned topics, please familiarize yourselves with them. We will be more than happy to answer any questions of yours. Should you have any questions or doubts, feel more than welcome to contact us.
We are looking forward to seeing you in our Committee during StetiMUN 2021.

The Chairs of the Historical Security Council,
Dobrawa Skrycka and Barbara Tur